This Week’s Quotation:
When the creative spirit, or the spirit of creative action, fills heart and mind and is revealed in attitude and action, there is a consciousness of an eternal foundation, an awareness that the roots of one’s being extend into the eternity that is past, and that the branches of one’s being extend into the eternity of the future, and that the fruit of one’s being shall appear for harvest in the appointed season of the creative cycle.
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
The Eternal Foundation

Attunement Teacher & Author
I feel the restlessness of the world today as it waits to see what governmental leaders will do about the threat of horrible violence in Ukraine. And with that restlessness, there can be a sense of powerlessness.
What I do hardly matters in the face of all the forces at work in the world.
Perhaps even more significant than the practical consequences that follow from the destructive actions of world governments is the disempowerment they can create in the minds and hearts of people.
But the truth is that a person does not know Attunement because all the factors in their world seem favorable to them. A person knows Attunement in the face of all the factors that are antithetical to the experience of Attunement. And Attunement empowers creative action.
It is easy to imagine that the experience of Attunement, or the lack thereof, leads to the state of the world and not the other way around. As it is said, people get the kind of government they deserve.
But is not the same true for the individual experience? The person waiting for favorable world factors before they enter a state of Attunement will wait a long time. They experience disempowerment without realizing that they, themselves, are creating it.
When a person attunes to the creative spirit within them, they are empowered to create. They immediately enter a relationship with the eternal foundation for the human journey.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
I had an experience tonight . A friend messaged me, distraught about the doom of current affairs in the world and in Ukraine, weather. changes, and an overall feeling of,“What can I do.?”
There is only one answer to this question.. As we/I attune to the Creative cycle of understanding that love prevails in every thought, feeling, word and action , Attunement to Source brings the Truth of the Grand Design of life in living presence.
Thank you for your words, David.
The Blessings of Attunement are the Blessings of our Focus – Blessings All…..