The Magic of the Now Moment

This Week’s Quotation:

When human beings allow themselves to be sidetracked into giving too much attention to the past or to the future there is not enough true seeing in the present moment to allow more than a superficial recognition of the facts that are at work in our lives. If our living of this present moment is superficial we will not have learned that which we should have come to know in this moment and thereby we will be handicapped in living the moments yet to come.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

The Magic of the Now Moment

Sece Foster,
Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Coach & Attunement Practitioner

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to find ourselves lost in past regrets and future anxieties. When we focus our attention on memories or dreams of the future, we can forget the beauty of the moment right in front of us. Meeker’s words resonate deeply as I come to know the joy and power of the present moment for myself.

While waiting for my wife to come out of a medical procedure a few weeks ago, I found myself in a quiet corner of the waiting room. A little girl nearby was cradling a baby doll, carefully wrapping it in a small blanket. Intrigued, I smiled at her, and she looked up with bright eyes, eager to share. “This is my baby! Her name is Bella, and she’s going to be a great explorer!”  I then shared with her that my dog’s name is Bella, and we also love to explore!  As she animatedly told me about her doll’s imaginary escapades—sailing across oceans and climbing mountains—I felt my stress fade away as I surrendered to the magic of the moment. Her joy was infectious, and I found myself drawn into her world, relishing the gift of this interchange.

Life unfolds in these fleeting moments, and true living happens when we engage fully with now. It’s in the delight of a child’s imagination or the intimate shared moments that we learn what it means to be alive. By cultivating presence, we prepare ourselves for the future, enriched by the lessons learned today.

Let’s commit to seeing fully, to cherishing each moment, and to living deeply. The beauty of life is right here—waiting to be embraced.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog


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9 days ago

I just loved your description inviting us to be in the precious now moment, I totally ‘get it’ – thank you – AND what a beautiful picture !

9 days ago

Beautiful, Sece 💓

9 days ago

I whole-heartedly agree with your words Sece, Uranda’s as well. Thank you! When we live each moment, fully, magical experiences appear in our worlds. Your experience with this beautiful child is a touching reminder .

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
9 days ago

Little children, with their rich and lively imaginations, seem to live naturally in the present moment. But in adulthood we tend to lose this awareness and it may take some deliberate focus to recover it. Your words, Sece, give me incentive to do whatever it takes to stay in the moment, bringing my full Presence.

Tom Cooper
9 days ago

Many thanks, Sece. Yes, NOW is the time to live. HERE is the place to live. Totally with you. And as you must know Bella shares the word history with “belle” and similar words relating to both beauty and wellness. All is bella! Loving thanks to you. Tom

9 days ago

Let’s commit to seeing fully, to cherishing each moment, and to living deeply. The beauty of life is right here—waiting to be embraced.

Thank you Sece for sharing such a beautiful story – what a precious Spirit you ran into while waiting for news and Being There for someone who means so much. It is like a Gift was called on – and answered. Many blessings always….

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