The Spirit of a Flower

This Week’s Quotation:

Some people say they love flowers. Do you love that particular material that composes the flower? You love the beauty, don’t you, the aroma, the color, the spirit that is finding expression at that level. And if, as is usual, a flower passes away after a little while, you don’t have a funeral service. You anticipate that another one will come, maybe shortly or maybe next spring, whatever. When we are oriented in the vertical component we are oriented in spirit, and it is always the spirit that impresses us. When the spirit does find expression we rejoice in the particular form that lets it, and we love that form because it is letting the spirit find expression. But supremely we love the spirit. If that form ceases to allow the spirit to find expression, we are content to let it pass away.

~ Martin Cecil

The Spirit of a Flower

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

Martin speaks of flowers in this passage. And yet, the parallel to our experience of ourselves and other human beings is readily apparent.

Some might say that the distinction between spirit and form is artificial and only a mental construction. And I would have to agree that in the form of a flower, as in the form of a person, those two realities are joined as one. But still, the distinction is crucial.

If, when sharing Attunement with another person, we become lost in what is happening for their physical form, we become subject to all the fears and uncertainties they might be feeling about their physical condition. We could become lost in any chaos or distortion going on in their energy field. And they didn’t come to us for that.

We can love and even adore a person’s spirit as we share an Attunement, and that unleashes vitalizing current. It liberates us into a field of spiritual power where the miracle of life is transpiring. We are then playing our part in encompassing, activating, and caring for the physical form without struggling with its life process. We are assisting the spirit of the person to blossom.

Cultivating this spiritual awareness and acumen is a key consciousness practice for an Attunement Practitioner.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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3 years ago

Really Beautiful, another level of understanding for me. ❤️

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
3 years ago

In the “radiant attunement” work that I and several others do with a list of people who have a variety of physical and emotional needs our emphasis is not on healing the specific physical or emotional issue of a person but simply offering an energetic and empowering current of blessing to each person’s spirit.

Carolyn Gruchy
Carolyn Gruchy
3 years ago

What a beautiful perspective of the blessing and grace experienced through true Attunement!

3 years ago

Holding people in Surround is much like holding a bunch of flowers in my arms – its all encompassing…..

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