The Spirit of Thanksgiving

This Week’s Quotation:

We have so many blessings, and the spirit of thanksgiving to God in a genuine sense is so vitally important to the development of the Shekinah pattern in our lives. Many of you know that if you check back in my writings, beginning in the early thirties, extending on through the intervening years, this has been a constantly recurring theme: the importance of thanksgiving, the attitude which permits the human being to begin to see and appreciate the things of God, with a consequent engendering of response to Center. There has been a very inadequate comprehension of the significance of thanksgiving, and I have sought in various ways through the years to engender, step by step, a deeper consciousness of that significance, but it has not yet reached necessary proportions. But when one really begins to let go in the trinity of the Shekinah manifestation with the whole trinity of one’s own being, with open heart, we find some wonderful changes taking place, and the development of those changes in our lives is something which cannot be arbitrarily outlined or particularly prognosticated. But you have gradually been letting go to a deeper sense of the working of the Fire, to the reality of the Light that glows, and the Cloud that enfolds, and you begin to realize that this of which I speak is not limited by time or place or distance.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

There is so much about the foundation of the Attunement process that is in this one paragraph. Let’s unpack it.

To begin with, in addition to a lot of very practical instruction, Lloyd Meeker used mystical words to teach Attunement. So his writings don’t make much sense without familiarizing yourself with those words. And by the very nature of that process, it includes the development of an intuitive awareness of things you can’t see—the mystical reality behind the human experience.

Especially for those who are less familiar with the vocabulary he used, here are some starting points.

He defined Shekinah as the evidence of the presence of the One Who Dwells. Acknowledging the divinity of the Spirit that is within all people, Shekinah is the manifest expression of that Spirit, in this case, through human beings.

Center is the vibrational center of Shekinah as it appears in the world, especially relative to Attunement. This has profound implications for us, as we develop the practice of Attunement and bring it to the world.

Three elements of Shekinah are referenced in this paragraph. The Fire That Burns is the power of Love, especially as it relates to emotions. The Light That Glows relates to mental awareness. And the Cloud is the Cloud of Glory that relates to the life of the physical body.

Now for the message.

Gratitude—the spirit of thanksgiving in all things—allows the experience of Attunement of our outer human experience with the inner mystical powers that animate it. Thanksgiving is what allows Shekinah to be expressed, manifest, and known.

I encourage you to read this brief passage, so full of spiritual potency, again, with these meanings in mind.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

Love Bargains Not

Love bargains not because Love has need of nothing. ~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker I love words like this that convey a transcendent truth. They inspire an awareness of an absolute reality that becomes a standard for my human experience.

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 years ago

Thanks so much, David, for this insightful reminder that thanksgiving is such a vital part of the Attunement process.

2 years ago

Starting each morning with thoughts of Gratitude and having those thoughts in our heads as we lay down to rest – is one way to keep our own Peace. Blessings, All….

Tom Cooper
2 years ago

Yes. Thanks for giving meaning to these sacred words. YES to gratitude. For me this poem by Dorian Black entitled “Thanksgiving” also says it all. My love, Tom



Dorian Black



Let me, O Lord of life, utter you

Thanks in all things…. for all that I AM…

And the knowing of it now

Here in this Heaven on Earth I walk….

You, grandly the glory giving….

Honor is mine only to return truly

To you honorable above all…. and

Gloriously seen, heard, and held precious.

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