This Week’s Quotation:
As we flew down this valley, we were under very dark clouds; it was almost like night. But as we approached the end of the valley out toward the ocean, there was a glorious opening, as it were, a pattern of light. There were some lighter clouds out over the Pacific, but there were certain patterns of fingers of light, carrying tints of rainbow color. Kathy described it as something like the portals of heaven. We came out over Grays Harbor and then flew down the coast to the mouth of the Columbia, and then flew up the Columbia to the point where we turned off toward Portland. Now this particular scene, coming out of this heavy overcast—forbidding weather—down this very beautiful valley and the opening beyond into the light, the delicate colorings, the ocean, the little town, Grays Harbor, all combined to provide a real sense of magic, something exquisite, something beyond description but something very real, something that penetrated all the avenues of awareness and perception. THAT is magic. In those moments when there is a sharing of the sweet essences of friendship, perhaps some moments when with some other person there is a quietude, a heavenly atmosphere, all sense of adverse pressures gone, the beauty of life emphasized, a peace within and without, those moments are moments of divine magic, beyond description, beyond the fulness of comprehension. One is left with the sense that, whatever one can see in it, there is more than that which is seen, and THAT is magic.
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
And THAT Is Magic

Attunement Teacher & Author
In this quotation from a 1954 class, Lloyd Arthur Meeker used the word magic to teach Attunement to his students. It is not hard to appreciate his problem. He was attempting to make something that people generally do not perceive with their five senses real to them.
Attunement is being in touch with something you can’t see. We might describe it in all kinds of ways. But ultimately, it is knowing something that is beyond definition or description. It is an experience of a power, a loveliness, and a reality of meaning beyond words. And yet it is what makes a human life creative and fulfilling.
So if you are passing through dark clouds that could turn your daytime to night, look for the break in the clouds. Look to the hidden rainbow peeking through the forbidding weather and find the portal of heaven that you might have missed.
See with other eyes and take in the magic of life. Let peace within and without overtake you.
Let something exquisite but very real penetrate all the avenues of your awareness and perception. And THAT is magic.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
I have returned to this quote several times to re-live, if you will, the penetration of perception that it provides in authentic experience.
“I can’t believe we Are magic!” A line from Olivia Newton John.
And yet, this is the living truth.
To soar through the clouds of light and also ominous weather in our own living stirs the pot, lifting vapor as breath to “keep going” to inspire, to perceive the presence of magic inside us and all round.
When one swoops down the valley to the sea, there is an opening in consciousness. Sometimes I describe the experience as a “stomach sinker” as the internal landscape expands to accommodate the open heart.
That is magic.
Spring, which we’re now experiencing in the Northern Hemisphere, can bring such exquisite sensations of attunement with nature, including moments of sheer ecstasy! The magic of life is surely there for any who have eyes to see and deep feelings to entertain.
What a beautiful description . In our very being we know what magic is , and when its palpable in whatever way we recognise it , invisible or visible it speaks to our very being and points to the essnces of our beingness . It is part of the invisible language of love, and surely we know that in our being in Attunement
Life is Magic!!! Do a quick review off your life – to me, magic is what we get to experience that we didn’t know was real. Magic blessings to us all as we uncover each new thing we get to learn and get to use to help ourselves and others….