Come as a Little Child

This Week’s Quotation:

As we move along the Central Way toward reality, we find that sooner or later the aspiring one reaches a point where he has to be able to take a good long look at himself and see himself as he is, unashamed before the Lord, with all the defense mechanisms and all false concepts swept away and with no more illusions left. The individual in such a case, then, should not feel that letting go of the fronts is any reflection upon himself, because a counterfeit is of no value anyway. The individual would feel weak; he would probably have as one of his first reactions an overwhelming sense of futility. But if he were willing and able to face these facts and hold steady in the face of that sense of futility, he would naturally take a very fundamental step…Repentance is, properly, an acknowledgment of the true state of the individual and a frank, direct indication that he is willing to let his life be redirected according to a new pattern. He is not expected to mature in the expression of that new pattern overnight. He is expected, rather, to come as a little child, wherein he can let the expression of that pattern grow and develop, that he may in due season come to experience true positive expression in reality.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Come as a Little Child

Oren Yakovee
Attunement Teacher and Practitioner

In a world that constantly pushes us to be in control and have all the answers, how can we embrace the idea of “coming as a little child” in our journey as Attunement Servers?

Standing unashamed before the Lord, as Uranda beautifully describes, is about facing ourselves—our illusions, our defenses, and even the false fronts we put up daily. But here’s the challenge: when those defenses fall away, what do we have left?

When the layers of pretense begin to crumble, we are left with a choice: do we retreat into familiar patterns, or do we hold steady through the discomfort of vulnerability? Holding steady is not about perfection or instant transformation—it’s about staying present in the process.

Growth is rarely comfortable. Are you ready to face the discomfort of seeing yourself clearly? This is a sign that you’re breaking through the illusions and getting closer to the truth. In those moments of struggle, will you stay present, or will you flee back to what feels safe? Holding steady means resisting the urge to retreat, even when the old patterns feel comforting. Like the caterpillar that liquefies its body for weeks inside of a cocoon before reemerging, we have to trust that what comes next will be worth the wait.

A childlike attitude is marked by curiosity, innocence, openness, and trust in response to the unknown that is inherent in the process of transformation. Real growth doesn’t require us to be experts or to have everything figured out. Maybe it just requires us to be willing to fall and get back up, to trust like a child, and to hold steady when the winds of change threaten to knock us off balance.

After all, the beauty of coming as a little child is that we’re never expected to have it all together. We’re just expected to be open enough to begin.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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16 days ago

While holding steady through the discomfort of vulnerability takes great courage, it absolutely becomes the gateway to Grace. Beautiful, Oren, thank you!

16 days ago

This is so special Oren – thank you!

After all, the beauty of coming as a little child is that we’re never expected to have it all together. We’re just expected to be open enough to begin.

Tom Cooper
16 days ago

Beautiful, Oren. YES, WITH YOU IN INNOCENCE (one of my favorite services by Martin Cecil has that title. Let’s be childlike but not childish 🙂 Thanks for this great reminder. Love, Tom C.

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