Controlled Generation of Mind Force

To the degree that the individual’s love and attention are directed toward union with the inner meanings and life essence in all the natural objects with which one comes in contact, including himself, the individual will find that the inner fire will be released upward in his body and will produce creative power in the mental and spiritual planes of being. This attainment is not obtained through “subduing” the body, as some have taught, but by wise and firm training of the body, so that it becomes a perfect and delicate instrument through which the life essence may come into glorious manifestation. This training must begin in the little things of everyday life, and after the body has been trained to respond expertly in the little things, it will be possible to allow the greater things to manifest from within oneself. Controlled generation of mind force in the little things brings mastery in all things.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Controlled Generation of Mind Force

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

I have often been asked, What is your spiritual practice? There are so many dimensions of spiritual practice, it is hard to know how to answer the question.

I see it in two categories:

  • The art of living—what we do in the usual activities of daily life
  • Concentrated times of spiritual intensification

Whatever form it takes, any spiritual practice that is creative and generative is Attunement. It attunes the practitioner to the forces of life within them

This brilliant teaching from Lloyd Arthur Meeker speaks of the power of meditation in daily living. It reminds me of yogic practices that awaken the ascending flow of kundalini through the body. It acknowledges that all activities have the potential of bringing a greater Attunement with life.

A focused, disciplined conscious awareness in each micro-moment of human experience is an essential part of the Attunement process. It is not a strain. Nor is it achieved by human effort. It is achieved by letting your mind and heart enter the poetry of life.

Without the constant practice of this discipline, any dreams of greater fulfillment go unrealized. When a person engages in this practice, they create a generation station for the experience of joyful, abundant life.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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This Week’s Quotation: Now, of course, human beings have been so busy reacting all over the place that they’ve had very little capacity remaining for

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Miriam Platt
Miriam Platt
2 years ago

” It is achieved by letting your mind and heart enter the poetry of life.’ SIMPLY READING THE WORDS , made my heart sing.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
2 years ago

How true that all of life becomes a meditation when one engages in the kind of spiritual practice that you and Lloyd Arthur Meeker suggest. One way of referring to it is “spiritual expression.” The creative spirit in me engages with the spirit of whatever object or circumstance I’m working with and the result is indeed a “joyful, abundant life.”

2 years ago

It has often been said by many friends “Attunement is a way of life”. I take this statement to heart and know the practicality of this statement and the living of it. Sitting quietly gazing at nature brings this beautiful calm space and place of living in Attunement. Careful listening to people speaking, attentiveness in washing dishes, walking, doing any given activity with care, I experience heaven and Attunement with Life. It is wonderful to share with fellow awakened friends. Magical and wonder-full. Thank you David for your caring offerings. Much love, Nadeja

Sece Foster
Sece Foster
2 years ago

I have found this to be true in my experience. For many years “my practice” was daily periods of Spiritual intensification which was/is wonderful. Since being introduced to attunement and to Emissary teachings I have noticed that by bringing greater awareness to “the little things” of everyday life I have become much more masterful in how I relate to the expressions of Life around me. Mindfulness in the art of daily living is essential.

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