Embracing the Power of the Tone

This Week’s Quotation:

The sounding of the tone has the power to lift a person up, but there must be a willingness to be lifted. That in fact is the only requirement insofar as the individual is concerned. He cannot lift himself by his bootstraps, he cannot use the critical faculties of his mind to get anywhere, because the sensing of the tone, the awareness of the tone, is only touched through the heart. Now, of course, if the heart is thoroughly involved with the usual human emotions there is not going to be very much capacity left to discern the tone. So, wisely, when there is any desire to turn to spiritual things the first order of business is to assist a person, emotionally speaking, to stop reacting to all the things in his environment, so that the heart may quiet down. Only when it begins to be still does it come into position to discern the tone.

~ Martin Cecil

Embracing the Power of the Tone

Oren Yakovee
Attunement Teacher and Practitioner

The practice of Attunement is, in many ways, a path of the heart. At its core, the heart is designed to tune into, receive, generate, and powerfully transmit the sounding of an uplifting spiritual tone. How’s that going? Are you increasingly and unconditionally embracing and exuding the power of the tone through the heart in every moment? Naturally, it takes consistent willingness, attentiveness, and re-centering.

To me, these beautiful words from Martin Cecil uncover a harmonious inner symphony in a three-stage transformative journey, starting from the dissonance of an unsettled heart to discovering the still, small voice and then providing space for it to grow into the resonant voice of a trumpet.

The unsettled heart mirrors a chaotic symphony with dissonant notes of restlessness, anxiety, and insecurity. The tumultuous composition urges swift and careless reactivity. Tension and overthinking linger within this internal disarray, prodded by circumstance, and seeking external validation in a constant refrain. Does that sound familiar?  

What is needed to transform from a chaotic to a harmonious heart? In a symphony, the conductor is the guiding force, shaping the orchestra’s interpretation, dynamics, and overall performance. And yet, what sound does the conductor make? None at all.

Similarly, discerning the small voice within oneself involves attentiveness to the vast and dynamic subtlety within the stillness and silence of the heart. To me, this simple turnaround represents no longer being controlled by external circumstances or validation but rather embracing and holding oneself accountable to the power of internal response and its authentic expression.

Let us discover, embrace, reverberate, and evolve the resonating power of the tone into a triumphant trumpet call through the heart that alerts all of creation to the presence of its creator.    

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at david@sunriseranch.org

Attunement Meditations Blog

The Language of Love

This Week’s Quotation: We have had the opportunity so far this morning in our consideration to recognize the reality of a universal language, a language

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11 months ago

The Sounding of the Tone – may we always offer Love and Light with the Sounds of our words with each other – Blessings All…..

Samantha McKune
Samantha McKune
1 year ago

Thank you, David and Oren,
“…Let us discover,embrace, and evolve the resonating power of The Tone into a triumphant trumpet call through the heart that alerts all of creation to the presence of its creator…..
I, think to my part

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

The heart is also a faculty of perception. It brings us the feeling tone of what is happening in the world. Rather than being controlled by this tone, which can often be one of cacophony, let us use our emotional realm to sound the True Tone of which Martin speaks.

1 year ago

I Love to tone with you, like a musical instrument is my body where my heart lives.
As my mind is at service to my soul.!

And I am singinging my song together with you and all.


Hettie Venter, Cape Town
Hettie Venter, Cape Town
1 year ago

Thank you Oren. Just the message i need in a challenging time. Stay connected to Source, focus vertically- victoriously!!

1 year ago

Thank you Oren. A lovely reminder about accessing the tone of the heart.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Yes, I feel strongly in synch with Martin’s words and note the power of your (Oren) closing paragraph below with which I am in full agreement:

Let us discover, embrace, reverberate, and evolve the resonating power of the tone into a triumphant trumpet call through the heart that alerts all of creation to the presence of its creator.  

At the 1986 EDL music conference, Martin referred to “Gabriel’s trump” in synch with your “triumphant trumpet” above. May we all call AS OF A TRUMPET. Love, Tom C.

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