Life’s Fulfillment

This Week’s Quotation:

In the words “doing good to others” we have a definition of the true character of life. We recognize that if we are aligned or attuned with that which is divine, we serve. To put it another way, through our living we preach the gospel to all creatures. Everything that finds expression through us is the offering of that which is divine, and therefore good, to others, into our environment in blessing to all creatures. Alignment and attunement with life permits the experience of life’s fulfilment, the satisfaction mentioned in the words which I have just read, the unconscious satisfaction. It is because human beings have so little of this, so little experience of this unconscious well-being, that they are constantly and frantically endeavoring to find it by this means and that. We might say they are trying to get it, extract it, from the experiences of their external environment. The individual says to himself, “If I could just have this, if I could just do that, then I would know satisfaction and fulfilment.” But it never comes on that basis, because the satisfaction is inherent in life, and life is that which expresses from within a person outward.

Martin Cecil

Life’s Fulfillment

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

Martin Cecil’s words speak so strongly, I almost don’t want to comment further. Perhaps I’ll just comment on fulfillment from the perspective of my own experience.

I know the difference between unconscious well-being and unconscious angst. And I’ve learned something about what creates each of them in my own experience.

Martin’s message here might seem like an impossible assignment to some. Everything that finds expression through us is the offering of that which is divine, and therefore good, to others, into our environment in blessing to all creatures. Yet I know this to be true.

A high bar? Yes. But don’t we need a high bar? And if we miss it sometimes, OK. We’ll learn and do better. Right?

What Martin calls service is the only thing that makes me happy. There is the joy of giving and serving the world in which I live. And then there is the pleasure of the mutuality that comes with other people when I am in that joyful experience.

Quite honestly, I’ve learned that if that experience lags for me, I am miserable. And if that experience is active, I feel a warmth and glow. Happiness! I feel attuned to the creative emanation from my core. It doesn’t mean I never face any challenge or that I never feel any stress. But still, when my motivation is service, I keep returning to a place of well-being and peace.

What brings you the experience of well-being and fulfillment? I invite you to share your reflections below. I am really curious about your thoughts on this, and I am sure others would be too.

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Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Nadeja Gerasimow
Nadeja Gerasimow
3 years ago

Yes! “Doing good to others” is a very beautiful and satifying place to live. I especially love the experiences where someone comes up to me after an encounter and says “thank you for what you said. It was just what I needed to hear. You made my day”. Sometimes a call or action goes out just when it is needed. All one needs to do is listen to that beautiful “stil smal voice” which becomes a part of normal life and is always magical. Thank you so much for this post David. Love and blessings, Nadeja

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
3 years ago

Fulfillment in life is not to experienced by extracting something from the world of form, whether it be money, property, education, relationships, power, religion, etc. Fulfillment is experienced at the crossover point where the Love from that vast reservoir at the high place of inner being flows into the world of form for which one is responsible. It is as simple as being consistently in that flow.

Marilyn Manderson
Marilyn Manderson
3 years ago

Thank you for this wonderful blog!

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