
This Week’s Quotation:

Love is the Power of the Wonderful One, and in it is the Creative Essence. Love is the Fire of Fusion whereby the outer self is uplifted into oneness with the Master within. Love cannot be engendered by the outer intellect, and he who seeks the Realms of Light through the self-activity of the intellect is bound to fail.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker


David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

These are the opening words from the last chapter of the 1936 booklet, Seven Steps to the Temple of Light. There are so many facets to life as a human being. They are all filled with potential meaning and significance. But what is it that allows all the rest to fall into place?


There are many kinds of Love. There can be Love for people and things. Here, Lloyd Arthur Meeker speaks of the central Love for the Presence of the Wonderful One, the Master within. It is that Love that is the Fire of Fusion. It fuses the entire human experience into wholeness. No other Love has this power.

Love for the Presence of the Wonderful One within brings us to that Presence. It joins us with that Presence. And in this joining, we know the Presence and become its living embodiment and expression.

Bringing the Presence of the Wonderful One within, it is natural to Love all that is contained in the human experience. And even though loving people and things on any other basis can tear a person apart, this radiant Love brings oneness. It brings the Fire of Fusion to the world.

Love is the Power of the Wonderful One.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Attunement Meditations Blog

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Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

Your words and those of Uranda remind us of the very essence of our spiritual work as incarnate beings: to bring Love, which as Uranda indicates, is not obtained by the self-activity of the intellect but only by the PRESENCE of the One Who Dwells.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

YES! And to make sure I am not over-intellectualizing about love and then writing extra thoughts, instead I am simply taking a moment to send you love and appreciation…and then to do so with other close friends and family. THANK YOU. Love, Tom C.

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