May I Never Fail to See You

This Week’s Quotation:

May I never fail to see you. May I never accept as real anything other than the one I know as you. May I never give up on you, even if you give up on yourself. I shall not deviate from my vision of you as whole, as noble, as loving, as who you truly are.

Attunement Card 11
David Karchere

May I Never Fail to See You

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

Energy medicine practice often involves an extension of healing current through the hands of the practitioner into the energy field of another person. This is true for Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, laying on of hands, Attunement, Johrei, and many other practices. If you were to watch an energy medicine session, that is the obvious part. What is not so obvious is what is going on in the awareness of the practitioner.

Attunement Card 11 addresses the conscious dimension of energy medicine. As any serious practitioner has discovered, to be effective in assisting another person, you have to commit yourself to a faith in that person’s core truth, even when they are out of touch with it.

The serious practitioner commits themselves to this as a daily discipline. In the world in which we live, there is ample opportunity to practice.

Try this daily discipline with the people in your immediate world. See what happens. Feel what comes up for you. See what changes, for you and for other people. Give it a try.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

From the Mountaintop

From the Mountaintop

This Week’s Quotation: From the mountaintop you begin to feel and know a new attitude, and no longer are you looking as “through a glass,

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