One Fountain of Living Love

This Week’s Quotation:

Our joy in living allows for the ascension of spiritual substance up through us—the rising incense in our body temples, with love and gratitude for the heavenly source of all life. We are a fountain—a living, flowing temple.

~ David Karchere

One Fountain of Living Love

Oren Yakovee
Attunement Practitioner

I wonder if we can consider treating every moment of this reading in the manner that perhaps Uranda considered the building of the Little Chapel at Sunrise Ranch. As I understand it, Uranda wouldn’t add a single stone until he perceived a shift in the collective substance of the community. So let us declare each micro-moment from here forward a moment of united radiance.

If you like, wherever you are, I invite you to become aware of your hands and fingers. Give those delightful fingers a little wiggle. Turn your palms up, raise them to the level of the heart, held like a bowl as in an offering to the One. I invite you to allow Attunement to come to the hands, all the way through the eyes, all the way through the tips of your wiggling toes.

How wonderful to be together through this reading, relaxing into such delightful radiance. This is the building of a collective fountain with all who participate in this Attunement Meditation. This is like adding stones to the Little Chapel. We are creating the flow of the living fountain of living love.

Consider how a single speck of gratitude landing on the surface of the heart can activate the fountain. I experience great wonder at the power of a single word to unlock the movement of the fountain of the spirit of living God amongst this circle of divine friends.

For me, a word that unlocks the movement of the living fountain right now is One.Once you bring the One into any context, then it becomes one love, one mind, one heart, one way. Whenever you bring the One, you place the presence of that divine One that we are into the sacred center of your field.

In the vastness of Divine Presence, there is the All within the One. In the nearness of Divine Presence, there is the One within the All. And in the immediacy of our Divine Presence in this field, there is the One.

We know ourselves as the One. And so, there is the One knowing the One, the One hearing the One, the One loving the One. In that way, as our bodies are so enjoying the refreshing, living substance that we’re collectively generating through our hands, our hearts, our eyes, and our smiles that we are collectively becoming an embodiment of living love unfolding itself.

Our living love becomes true living in each moment. No matter what is going on, I invite you to continue in this radiance through the hands, through the eyes, through the feet, through the heart as one fountain of love living and living love in this sacred field together.

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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Love bargains not because Love has need of nothing. ~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker I love words like this that convey a transcendent truth. They inspire an awareness of an absolute reality that becomes a standard for my human experience.

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3 years ago

Thank you Oran I love also the atmosphere behind the true words of being one,
First within to feel the fountain in my heart bubbling and than naturely its all around. Love

3 years ago

How lovely Oren – we are One – it is maybe the most critical concept Humankind to grasp – the 4 legeds know it for sure…..

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
3 years ago

We are the One, knowing the One, loving the One, expressing for the joy and fulfillment of the One. How great Thou art! With you in this radiant attunement

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