One Source, Two Streams

This Week’s Quotation:

Recognizing that there is only one source, and therefore only one current of life force as it springs forth from the one source, it becomes obvious that all manifestations in this outer world, whether of the real or the unreal, originate and are maintained in being by reason of the one current of life force. This current, then, must divide into two streams; the one to bring forth reality, and the other unreality. And the result of this division manifests as the one or the other, according to the channel through which that current finds release into the earth. The question then arises as to where and what these channels might be.

Martin Cecil

One Source, Two Streams

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

From the standpoint of one’s own personal Attunement and from the standpoint of the opportunity for Attunement we might bring to another person, the reality Martin describes here comes into stark relief.

There is a stream of life force in all people. If not for that, we’d be pushing up daisies.

If we embrace the life force as it is, on its own terms, we find that it brings creativity to all dimensions of our human experience—vibrancy to the body, love to the heart, and order to the pattern of life. It brings peace.

The life force has that potentiality within it. How do we know? Because when we open to it and are true to its flow, that is what we experience.

At the same time, I’m willing to bet that every one of us who reads this blog post—me included—has had another experience. The structures and activities of consciousness can take that same life force and turn it into something else—resentment and fear filling the heart, chaos on one’s life path, and ill health for the body.

Sure, the people surrounding the individual, and the world at large, play their part. But the far-more-telling causative factor is the working of consciousness.

One source, two streams, one life-giving and one life-denying. The teaching of Attunement assists a person to find that place in themselves where the stream of the one source is turned into something that creates unhappiness. And it identifies the self-active processes in consciousness that have to be released to welcome the pure life force on its own terms.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

Attunement Meditations Blog

Peace Be Unto You

Peace Be Unto You

This Week’s Quotation: No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, these words are for you, sent to you in

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1 year ago

What a blessing that we have this within us…..

One source, two streams, one life-giving and one life-denying. The teaching of Attunement assists a person to find that place in themselves where the stream of the one source is turned into something that creates unhappiness. And it identifies the self-active processes in consciousness that have to be released to welcome the pure life force on its own terms.

Irene de Groof
1 year ago

Its a blessing to wake up and feel that lots has been digested in the night by sleep.And touch the life force of the day,. Its in my stillness and actions that the Life force is one.I need to be sensitive how to use my deeper knowing, to bring healthy balance in me and inspire others to do so in everyday life,.by open communications and a welcoming spirit.
Thank You ! Irene

Karen Pritchard
Karen Pritchard
1 year ago

Through deep research over many years of practise, I realise more and more that being – is a minute by minute discipline.

I haven’t reached the state of Guru ‘dom’ in this life so I can sit in a quiet mode of bliss which expresses to the masses that by sitting in bliss it brings the body being and the soul into One ness – One state and therefore the pure state of super consciousness and Transcendence.

Yes the polarities of self have to meet and agree to slow down together, to gently surrender together, to detach together, to become non egoic together, to understand one another and agree to simply let go together.

I have discovered after many years of research, reading, disciplined teaching, self practicing and searching for the answers on Life in the body, is to become simple in all aspects, so the separated self can freely speak to each other. Once in this diligently attained state we become unified and allow the universal body and Christ source to sustain the whole self.

It’s not that complex really and yet we seek to make it so – when we seek in each lifetime we get answers, the more enquiry we make the true SOURCE of information flows to us.

In this lifetime for me it is to detach from the whirl of IT all and simply ‘BE’, so all my streams become United and ONE. I’m not looking to become a Guru as I know those days are long gone – the new tradition is to live simply with no affect, perfect yourself by actualising Oneness. The stillness of selfhood allows all to flow towards you as you flow with it and so we become part of the One River of it All.

It is an activated moment by moment discipline which I diligently and willingly apply, to the best of my ability – which is to simplify, simplify, and reduce down into the True source of I. One stream. ❤️

Last edited 1 year ago by Karen Pritchard
Leia Meryt
Leia Meryt
1 year ago

Life force as One Source. What shall ye choose of the two streams? I choose being true to the flow and the potentiality in it. How best may I be of service? By staying in the flow and giving heed to it’s beckoning call.
It’s an ongoing invitation with an RSVP acknowledgement from the conscious heart in every moment of living.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

Such wise instruction from you and Martin: “embrace the life force as it is, on its own terms.” Letting go of the self-active processes that divert the life-stream into destructive actions, I would allow the pure flow of life-current to bring the creativity and beauty that is true to its nature.

1 year ago

Thank you, David. I agree that the polarity of the one stream of life resides in human consciousness. As you say, “life giving or life denying “. Our thoughts and beliefs about who we think we are have perpetuated this separation.
We can be set free from this. The one undivided stream of consciousness is our primal reality. It is available right now.
A powerful source to assist in aligning our energetic field into life giving resonance is to attune the body, mind and heart into those frequencies. The energy medicine of Attunement does this!

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