Perception vs. Judgment

This Week’s Quotation:

The divinely keen powers of perception which enable one to face the facts, both of the inner reality and of the outer manifestation, are to be rejoiced in. Such perception allows one to have an understanding of all the influences and vibrations that are at work in any given situation or condition, so that the facts are known; but such clear analysis does not mean that the person or persons involved are judged. It may be noted of a certain person that he has light brown hair and blue eyes, without saying that his hair should be darker, or that his eyes should be gray. Noting the facts as manifest is not judging, for judging does not begin until that which is noted is accounted to be either good or evil.

In the mystical school of life the blessed one must prove that he can face the facts of manifestation, both in himself and in others, without fear or judging.

~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Perception vs. Judgment

David Karchere
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher and Author

This is one of the most critical factors for an Attunement practitioner. The good news is that awesome powers of conscious choice are built into it. Here is what I mean.

When the practitioner chooses to see without fear or judgment, they engage powers of sight that are otherwise latent within them. That is because judgment short-circuits sight. It creates assumptions regarding what is being seen based on past experience and belief of the one judging. Those assumptions are not what is really present. So immediately, the “divinely keen powers of perception” Lloyd Arthur Meeker spoke of are out of the picture. In their place are the judgment of the practitioner.

On the other hand, when the practitioner chooses not to judge, real perception kicks in and brings understanding. We know from quantum physics as well as personal experience that manifest reality is affected by the observer. Perception brings sight. Sight brings knowing. And when people are known by us, it affects how they see and know themselves.

Lack of fear implies a steadiness of vision that doesn’t recoil or react to what we see. We consciously choose to see what is happening for a person, as best we can, without judging them. Our sight brings light to their experience. That stance invites the person to relax and open up, and allow themselves to be seen.

The conscious commitment on the part of the practitioner to observe in this fashion sets in motion a whole series of events that brings greater Attunement to the people they serve. 

What is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

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The Truth Within Us

This Week’s Quotation: So it isn’t a matter of recalling words out of the past, whether those words were the words of Jesus or anybody

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3 years ago

Thank you David – Lack of fear implies a steadiness of vision that doesn’t recoil or react to what we see. We consciously choose to see what is happening for a person, as best we can, without judging them. Our sight brings light to their experience. That stance invites the person to relax and open up, and allow themselves to be seen. What a blessing it is to us all when we can be seen…

Jane Anetrini
Jane Anetrini
3 years ago

This teaching is such a gift. I agree with this statement  “Our sight brings light to their experience.” This is true even if nothing is said. We can assist another just by being present and not judging. 

Kari Bye
Kari Bye
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane Anetrini

I so agree with Jane! To respond and not react, keeps our interaction with one another in the light.

Howard Goodman
Howard Goodman
3 years ago

These insights around seeing without judgement and the transforming power of the radiant light of understanding that may be received and known in one’s conscious mind are incredibly valuable. Critically important to me as an Attunement practitioner and as a conscious caring human being! Thank you for elucidating this intelligent gift of knowing so clearly!

3 years ago

Your words are reality.. Thank you. We live in the place of eliminating the judgements that have covered our knowing of the real Truth of each other. As we have judged ourselves we have judged others.. In understanding ourselves, in loving non-judgement, we come to know a place of peace and compassion. for all.

John Patrick Flood
John Patrick Flood
3 years ago

Great meditation, thanks for adding your thoughts!

Last edited 3 years ago by John Patrick Flood
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