This Week’s Quotation:
In Realization is the absolute awareness of the Presence of the Wonderful One within. Realization reveals the Truth that in the Presence all things are. Realization of the Presence proves the Truth that sets men free. Realization is the Way of Perfect Freedom in the Presence, wherein there is no lack nor limitation. Realization knows, and knows that it knows, and thereby does it allow the Blessed One to be uplifted into Absolute Assurance. He who lets go to the Spirit of the Words “Be still and know that I AM God” is he who finds Realization expanding through himself from the Wonderful One within.
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
I encourage you to find a place removed from the commotion that can tend to invade our lives. Prepare the space around you for a deep inward journey. And then prepare the space within you.
The poetry of these words invites a meditation that is an unfolding conscious awareness accompanied by an Attunement all through the body and the levels of emotional perception. What a beautiful way to name the spiritual! The Presence of the Wonderful One within.
Be still and know that I AM God.
Be still and know.
Be still.
Now read Lloyd Arthur Meeker’s words again…slowly, reveling in the meaning of every phrase.
What is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Following the guidelines above was magic!!!
How beautiful, how practical, how powerful!