The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

This Week’s Quotation:

The holy spirit does not have to be caused to come, as if by some special dispensation something should be released from God as a bolt of lightning to flash into the earth; for the holy spirit is everywhere at all times present. The holy spirit is seeking those forms through which it may manifest on earth, and the outpouring of the holy spirit always comes when the forms through which it may appear are provided. It is not required that a certain period of time shall pass, that individuals must wait for some certain date or reach some certain age, but only that the forms through which the holy spirit may appear shall be provided in accordance with the Law. Then the holy spirit pours out of heaven into the world and is made manifest on earth. Wheresoever human beings allow themselves to come to point, in balance, with respect to the spirit of love and the spirit of truth, and the spirit of life, so that, being obedient to the Law, such individuals open themselves in full response to the living God, then, in that moment, the outpouring of the holy spirit IS a reality on earth.

~ lloyd Arthur Meeker

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

I have reported elsewhere how the Attunement practice was developed out of the Christian culture of America in the 1930s, ‘40s, and ’50s. The passage above reflects that background, familiar to some and less familiar to others.

If it is familiar to you, I urge you not to jump to the conclusion that the Christian terminology means exactly what it means in a more traditional context. And if it is not familiar to you, consider what the words mean relative to the process of Attunement and not as a matter of belief or dogma.

With fresh eyes, what is being said? I have chosen this quotation because it gives the practitioner profound insight into the Attunement process. Firstly, what is the outpouring of the holy spirit? It is the empowerment of the individual by the creative powers that animate the human experience. It is opening to and responding to those creative powers that bring love to the heart, truth to the mind, and life to the body. And it is not one homogeneous creative stream. It is threefold.

The process by which this happens is the second part of the profound message here—the Law. This is not a human law. It is not a religious law. It is the foundational principle behind the human experience. This Law is spiritual science that is as consistent as gravity. When we respond to the ever-available creative power of the universe, it flows through us. And if you don’t respond, it doesn’t flow.

Because we are conscious beings by nature, our response has to be conscious. Even though there is an innate, unconscious response by the physical body, that is limited and inadequate for human health and fulfillment at all levels without an open mind and heart.

Holy spirit… Yes, the source of our being is holy, not because it is religious, but because life is holy. And it is spirit. The origin of that word is breath. It is the universal breath, animating our human experience.

Welcome holy spirit. Let it in. Attune to it. And let it flow through you into the world.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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David Karchere

My name is David Karchere, director of the Attunement School at Sunrise Ranch and author of A Conscious Guide to Opening to the Sacred Power of the Endocrine Glands

I’m so glad you found your way to this web page. If I can ever assist you on your Attunement journey, please write to me at

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1 year ago

Deeply beautiful!!!

Wheresoever human beings allow themselves to come to point, in balance, with respect to the spirit of love and the spirit of truth, and the spirit of life, so that, being obedient to the Law, such individuals open themselves in full response to the living God, then, in that moment, the outpouring of the holy spirit IS a reality on earth.~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker

Karen Pritchard
Karen Pritchard
1 year ago

My Yoga practise allowed me to realise that the whole body’s’ life on earth is a holy experience. Becoming One and in Union with self in this lifetime was an imperative focus for me to ‘know’ why I am here incarnate.

I called my Yoga practise and business Burst, Breathe & Be. We burst into being as the spark of the Holy Spirit, we breathe that spirit into Be ing and we Be in our own becoming. My logo was a line drawing of an animated being leaping and bursting into Life itself taking that leap of faith that divine Spark needs to enter into the human body either in utero or well before I imagine.

I feel all forms of life have to burst into being all of the earths nature, all of gods creatures, all of the sparks of imagination we access as the divine creator.

We have to take the time to invest in the process of that self discovery until then our divine spark and spirit may be a little dim in its light. Yet I see those who have no idea of the Holy Spirit of themselves – still though they’re excelling through their own explicit trust in who they are and it illuminates the room when they walk in. Their ideas and way of living are a joy to behold.

It may not even matter to some that the holy science is theirs to be discovered and yet its for some of us to be employed in finding the path of intimacy with Holy discoveries who readily share the discovery freely with the world around them. It is after all a profession some of us have chosen to be avidly invoked with.

So in the ebbing and the flowing of the Holy Spirit in this Lifetime has been such a joyful discovery and an increasingly Holy Spirited creatively productive one too. Thank You God for igniting me.

MichaEL Piovesan
MichaEL Piovesan
1 year ago

May all beings BE BREATHED by the Breath of God which is Love.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
1 year ago

I think you summarize it very well in these words, David: “When we respond to the ever-available creative power of the universe, it flows through us. And if you don’t respond, it doesn’t flow.” May my response be strong and consistent, bringing Attunement to my world.

Tom Cooper
1 year ago

Thank you, David, and Lloyd Arthur Meeker. Yes, I let it in and I welcome the working of the law and follow it. May the Holy Spirit come through me and all who will so open to it as a blessing NOW in my world! Love, Tom

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