This Week’s Quotation:
Now suppose we look toward the manifestation of the new earth state. Suppose we anticipated this beautiful outworking of things, and we had a leader who said, “We never have to come to grips with the forces of darkness.” What kind of a leader would that be? What hope would there be for the fulfillment of the new earth state?
~ Lloyd Arthur Meeker
To Love in the Face of Tyrants

Attunement Teacher & Author
Most people probably don’t see their lives as a battle against darkness. That view of the world can lead a person to all kinds of bad places—fear, belligerence, and self-righteousness, to name a few.
And still… Looking out at the world, it is hard to deny that dark forces are at work on the global scene. Whatever you attribute it to—poor moral character, satanic influence, or primitive thinking—while it is hard to make any sense of what we see, it is hard to deny it.
That’s the global scene. What about the people who inhabit the immediate sphere of your own life? Most of us come across people who are ethically challenged at best. What do we make of them?
Here’s what I’ve learned. Whatever you want to call it, evil is present in this world. Becoming embroiled with it only brings us down. Fear of it disempowers us. The only answer is to shine the light of understanding and radiate the power of universal Love.
To the degree that a person does, it is easy to acknowledge the forces of darkness. They are present in the world and perhaps even within oneself. But they do not deserve the focus of attention.
What does deserve our focus of attention? The source of all that is creative in the human experience. When we attune to that, we resonate with the power that it emanates. That power moves our heart, inspires our mind, and gives us courage.
The practice of Attunement empowers us to shed light where it is sometimes dark and to Love in the face of tyrants, large and small, until Love rules the world.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.
Our guidance to love –
What does deserve our focus of attention? The source of all that is creative in the human experience. When we attune to that, we resonate with the power that it emanates. That power moves our heart, inspires our mind, and gives us courage.
So great to read Uranda his words and your David.
: “In the midst of inhormonious influences is, to strengthen the willpower and endure all things, yet keeping the finenes of character and nobillity of manner together with an everlasting heart full of Love” Quoting the Inyath Kahn.
His message and the Attunement meditation came at the same time.this morning.
Its all so True,and my daily work to be centered and not ignore the darkness in me and all around. Holding it all in Blessing! Love Irene.
“Attunement empowers us to shed the light where it is sometimes dark”…what a true statement! I so appreciate your specificity in addressing the fact that fear disempowers us. We are empowered by the light. I know of what I speak in these days of seeing/facing fear head on, and allowing the light to permiate and transcend the dark in both immediate and global circumstances.Being alert to when these dark forces appear in heart and mind, then letting go to the light is an aspect of the rhythm of Life that I know I am responsible for in these days. Thanks so much for bringing this Truth in such a clear way.
…..I like the description of it : ” Evol ” , from evolving, then things tend to “fall into place,” better, I find……
Thank you….
Yes! One of my deepest passions, and no doubt that of many of my friends, is the strong longing to overturn social injustice and see bullies defrocked as in Hollywood plot #3 in which the “bad guy” gets his comeuppance. Sic semper tyrannus! And yet, painting a mustache on the dictator while he is sleeping just makes him that much angrier. Surely the current and pacifying nature of attunement is required rather than revenge and strictly punitive measures. WITH YOU and LLOYD MEEKER IN THIS COMMITMENT AND APPROACH. In solidarity, Tom C.